Other Testimonials


A big "THANK YOU " for managing to encapsulate everything that I requested for the special cake for Christine's 60th birthday. To say that there were a few "WOW's" would be an understatement. I will be back when another occasion requires your service. You certainly did me proud. Many thanks & kind regards.

Medieval Wedding Cake

Based in Taunton

Specialising in Wedding, Celebration,
Novelty and Traditional Cakes,
Cupcakes and Sugar Craft Art

I am a home run business based in Taunton Somerset, and registered with the local environmental health and hygiene department. I have recently been awarded the top 5-star rating for my Health and Hygiene Inspection. I take pride in creating beautiful cakes for all occasions. My range includes modern and traditional wedding, birthday, anniversary, and christening cakes, cupcakes and novelty cakes. Each cake is individually designed and carefully hand-made to order. I only use the finest ingredients and free range eggs to achieve the best results in quality and taste, and also cater for special dietary needs such as Gluten free.

My cakes can be made in a variety of flavours, including: Traditional Rich Fruit Cake, Soft Fruit Cake, Vanilla, Luxury Chocolate Carrot, Coffee, Lemon, Coconut

I also specialise in creating beautiful sugar flower arrangements. Each flower and leaf is hand-made, coloured and dusted then arranged to represent a real floral spray. The sprays can last for years and are a lovely keepsake to remember your special occasion.

What ever your occasion is, I can create a cake especially for you, making your special day even more memorable with the 'WOW' factor.

I hope you enjoy looking at my gallery. If you have any questions or would like a quotation please contact me with your ideas and requirements.

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You can also follow my movements and see my latest designs
by becoming a fan on my facebook page using the links here

You can also contact me via telephone, email or the Contact page:

Telephone: 01823 254995 - Mobile: 7773483422
Email: info@helenthecakelady.co.uk

Payments can be made by either of the following methods:
  • Cash

  • Cheque Please make cheques payable to: Mrs Helen Fletcher

  • BACS
Five Star Award

I have been awarded the top grade 5 rating for my
Health and Hygiene Inspection

ALLERGY ADVICE WARNING: Please note, All my cakes are made where items such as nuts and dairy may have been used previously, or ingredients I use may contain traces of nuts, therefore
I cannot guarantee any cake I make to be completely nut free
Due to personal circumstances I am taking a break from cake orders
Due to personal circumstances I am taking a break from cake orders and closing my diary for the rest of 2023 and beginning of 2024. I will of course update you when I start taking orders again. Thank you for your continued support throughout 2023. Regards Helen